2015 Valentines Banquet was one of the best yet. Great food prepared by the good people of Victory. Great Fellowship with friends and love ones. Great time of fun, including a Hat decorating contest and The Newly Wed Game, the winner for both contest were Deana and Tim. The runner Ups were Kevin and Bonnie along with Betty and John. We are so proud of all the folks at Victory.
2014 Valentines Family Banquet was a huge blessing to all that attended. Great food, great fellowship and a great evening out. The following pictures describe the wonderful night of fellowship everyone had. The ladies prepared a delicious meal fit a king. Donald Gabriel was our special speaker. The annual cupcake decorating contest was so much fun.
The annual Cupcake decorating Contest

This year’s winners are Teresa and Laura Glaros

The runner up is Kenny and Isaiah Cronic
Honorable Mention doing an outstanding job and all round good sports.

Donald Gabriel speaking on the value of LOVE. He did a outstanding job.