Upcoming Events @ Victory
Easter 2014 will go down in the history books as an AWESOME day for Victory. The following pictures show a small insight to our service. A young man, Isaiah Cronic won the pack-a-pew contest. There was great music by Gus Glaros and youth group of Victory. We have some amazing young people. We also had a young man Wes Scot where he received a License into the Ministry. We are still thrilled to see what God did Easter 2014.
These are a few pictures of VBC night at the Shorebirds Baseball game. Everyone had a great time of Food, Fellowship and Fun.
The men of VBC had its first Men's Breakfast, Fellowship and Work Day. The men are planning a Father’s Day Ball game, helping with the elder people of our church. Helping is the key to worshiping God. We are God’s Hands. There are many more projects to get involved in.
Runner Up in Cupcake Building

Kenny and Donna Jean won second place
Winner of cupcake building game

Sean and Kanissa taking first place in Cupcake Building
2013 Valentine banquet held at church. A wonderful time of fellowship, and getting to know new members The first 3 pictures are winners of game, Who wants to be a Millionaire. Sherry, Vanessa and Jen
Winter of 2013 VBC members ministering to residents of Heritage Home in Milford DE
A BIG Thank You to all those who donated shoe boxes to the Operation Christmas Child Ministry. This was the first year our church was involved in this ministry and we collected 62 boxes!!! Praise God for you all! Please pray for the children who receive these gifts that they will also receive the most important gift Jesus Christ as their Savior! Thank You and God Bless You! The family here at Victory always comes through. A VERY BIG THANK YOU!!!!
Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast of the US Nov. 2012. This created a huge need of personal items to the people of NJ and NY. We are so proud of the GENEROUS people of Victory. You can’t really see all that is in these pictures, it is amazing to see how kind and generous our people really are. They saw a need and took the lead. There are more things that came after these pictures were taken. THANK YOU so much for your concern and love for the people of NJ and NY. When all of these bags and boxes were loaded unto the truck in Bridgeville and transferred to Dover to be loaded into a Tractor Trailer. It was truly amazing to work together with other churches to meet the needs of fellow Americans. We are so proud of what God has done with this young church.
Father's Baseball Game 2012
Some of the Fathers of VBC took their children to a Shorebirds Baseball game. Great time of fellowship with food and fun.
Father's Day 2012 Cookout
Hamburgers and hotdogs with bake beans were the menu for this children honoring of their Dads. Great time of fellowship with everyone that was present. There was no shortage of food, fun and fellowship. Following the meal everyone watched the movie Courageous. This was a great day.
Betty Johnson

_Mother's Day
2012 May 13th VBC honored a very special ladies. Betty Johnson was the mother with the most children. VBC
honored her by presenting her with a basket of fresh flowers.
Mother's Day 2012

Mother's Day 2012 May 13th VBC honored two very special ladies. Virgina Shaffer and Patricia Curlett were the oldest mothers present in our service. VBC honored them by presenting them with a basket of fresh flowers.
Pictured is Pastor Russ, Susan Mrs. Curlett son Ray Mrs. Shaffer and son Charles.
Pictured is Pastor Russ, Susan Mrs. Curlett son Ray Mrs. Shaffer and son Charles.
Spring of 2012 VBC had an Progressive Dinner. There were four families and each had a part of the meal. Our people loaded into vans and cars and traveled from one home to the next home. At the last home there was OUTSTANDING sweets and a time of Devotions and FELLOWSHIP. This was a BLAST. it was a time to get to know each other. We will do this again. All said they were looking forward to the next Church Outing.
Easter April 8th, 2012
_ AM Easter service April 8th, 2012. Record attendance this day for our first Easter. Several baptized along with great special music. God is SO good
Easter Egg Hunt April 7th
_Easter Egg Hunt held by VBC. Pictures do not include all the children. They all had a GREAT time
Easter 2012
_ Easter morning VBC had a wonderful pancake and sausage breakfast . The cooks did an outstanding job in putting this event together. We are so very proud that the very first Easter breakfast was a huge success.
_ February 7th, 2012 Victory Baptist Church hosted the Preachers, Missionaries and Friends of the Del-Mar Baptist Fellowship. The special speakers were Pastor Johnny Brewer of White Marsh MD. He spoke on the need for preachers to be bold and visionaries in their church. Pastor Bob Mayes of First Baptist Church of Deale MD also spoke and his message was on our Church being God’s Favorite Church. The members of this four month old church provided lunch for our guest. It is truly amazing to see this new church come together for the purpose of hosting the BBFI Feb. meeting.